Yaesu FT736R repairs.

I've had 3 Yaesu FT736r's on the measurement table.
I adjusted all 3 according the service manual.

First repair:
In one I had to repair the power supply. This is a major problem with this device, the electrolytic capacitors all need to be renewed to bring them back to life.
It is also best to replace the power resistor for a larger wattage. I also renewed the S meter lighting.
Because there is no ctcss encoder as standard, I bought a kit and made it myself and placed it in the transceiver.

Click here to see the fotoalbum of the repairs from the yaesu FT736R

Click here for the service manual from the Yaesu FT736R

Second repair:
The second repair was more a modification....

I had bought a 2nd hand 736. When it came in and unpacked it, I felt and heard that there was something loose in it. Before I plugged it in, I thought it was wise to open it to see what was wrong. What I saw was AMAZING! ... I saw that the original power supply was no longer in it, and an external power supply was stuck in it instead ... the case of that external power supply had been removed to fit the case of the 736 .... That was loose and the noise caused was the fan that had come loose during transport ... I had never seen this solution (HI) I took out the entire power supply (and turned it back into an external power supply) The 736 was brought back to its original condition without a power supply. This eventually worked on external 13.8 volts.
Of course the seller didn't know anything ... He could have bought it like that himself ... I don't want to rule that out.

Third repair

Unfortunately, the processor board of this transceiver was defective and unfortunately there is no new processor available, not even 2nd hand. The transceiver kept on transmitting... and there was no way to put it in receive.... something must have gone wrong connecting an external power amplifier. Via the PTT there must have been voltage on the processor ... unfortunately this is not secured and therefore the processor has probably become defective.

The FT736 in action on Youtube